Saturday, October 27, 2007

This is the night it happened.

Just loving my ring


I got engaged on October 16 and yes I know it is the 27 now. But hey my life is pretty busy right now. I am getting married on December 29, 2007 at the Newport Beach Temple. As you have noticed that is about 2 months away so lets just say that I have a lot to do very quickly.


Kim said...

Finally a picture or two. I've been checking your blog daily. Mums the word with the girls though...a trip to the Mouse House and a wedding all rolled into Christmas. We're so happy and excited for you!

Stephanie said...

I know! I heard all about the engagement and kept checking for proof! HOORAY FOR LITTLE CYNDA!!!!! congrats you two- i will be at your reception for sure.

Erin said...

love it. love it.

Stacie Hawley said...

HOORAY...another post!!! YEAH YEAH for Benji and Cynda!!! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait for the date!

Erin said...

ok, new post please...

Kim said...

ok, little Cynda. Throw a new picture out here.

Erin said...

you seriously need a new post.